Some things remain constant…

Some things remain constant, extend a hand of love

2021 April By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Things are a bit different these days, because of the pandemic. Change is all around us to some degree. Some people embrace change, and some people reject it strongly. We are all different and will respond in the manner that our temperament lends itself to. But truth be told, we have … Read More

We are a shelter that functions year-round

Year-round Homeless Shelter

2021 March By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) You can see it every time you step out the door. The plants have little buds beginning to bulge out from their stems, and the winds are blowing the winter debris all around. They are the signs of a new season getting ready to embark upon our lives. Spring is approaching … Read More

When they simply can’t make ends meet anymore…

When they simply can't make ends meet anymore

2021 February By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Couch surfing… Ever heard of it? Believe it or not, there are two different kinds of couch surfing. One form is used for budget travelers. The vacationers will choose a more inexpensive type of lodging and may either pay for the use of someone’s couch for overnight stints, or they “repay” … Read More

Is the possible new beginning a reality…

JJ Blog Image People Contemplating

2021 January By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Do you ever dream about the future? Are there things in your life that you’d like to change? When the new year approaches, many of us begin to think about how the last year went and what can be altered, upgraded, or changed to make things better. Often, we begin thinking … Read More

It’s been a different kind of year

JJ Blog Image Christmas Dinner

2020 December By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Wow… Can you believe it? The end of the year is here already. For some, it feels like two blinks were taken and the days were gone. We just got used to writing 2019 on our paperwork when 2020 arrived, and now 2021 is just about here. The years come and … Read More

Joy Junction featured on New Mexico Living – December 11th, 2020

December 16th, 2020 Joy Junction’s CEO Elma Reynalds was featured on New Mexico Living on December 11th to discuss how people can help Joy Junction during the season of giving. A big thank you to the team at New Mexico Living, Chad Brummett, Sara Rose, and Alexis Romero for having Elma on to discuss how Joy Junction continues to help … Read More

We can be thankful, even in the midst of trials.

2020 November By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Thanksgiving comes each year, like clockwork, whether we are ready for it or not. This particular holiday can be complicated for those who simply feel there is nothing to be thankful about. Originally, during the Thanksgiving season, people gathered to express their thanks for the wonderful bounty provided by hard work … Read More

Joy Junction Receives Solar Power

October 26th, 2020 KRQE 13 reported on the installation of new solar power on the dream house complex at Joy Junction. You can read the full article on the KRQE Website – Joy Junction Receives Solar Power.

It’s still sweltering hot…

2020 September By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Here we are again…another summer season has ended. But, boy is it hot! The heat is still sweltering on some days. When you drive around town, you can see homeless people tucked in corners or under a tree or beside structures trying to find shade as they wait for the sun … Read More

Hunger Pains SOS!

In a recent article in the Alibi, author Gwynne Anne Unruh discusses the increase of hunger in our city, state, and country as well as the impact of COVID-19 on the hunger crisis. She details how food banks are seeing an increase of people served and how New Mexico ranks among the worst in the nation for hunger, for both … Read More

Hope for a Brighter Future!

2020 August By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Each of us experience hardships, a ridge of some sort, on the road that we are traveling in this life. For example, a speed bump is placed on a road to control the speed of vehicles, to slow them down, just as unexpected events arrive in our lives to slow us … Read More

Happy 34th Anniversary Joy Junction!

2020 July By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Yes! It’s true. We’ve been here for 34 years…and we couldn’t have done it without you! Our faithful supporters are very much loved and depended on for the continual ministry we seek to carry on every day of the year. Without the help of compassionate people, who really do want to … Read More

Your efforts to help the homeless, have not been overlooked

2020 June By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) We all have obligations and responsibilities that we focus on and make sure are completed each day, week, month, and year…every year. Completing tasks are part of everyday life. Sometimes, we get to choose specific tasks to complete. Sometimes, we don’t. Our ministry is no different. We have obligations that must … Read More

Circumstances and Choices

2020 May By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Do you have a home? …a vehicle? …a job? Even if you have one of those three, you could be looked at as very blessed by those who do not have any of them. Many who find themselves homeless, once owned homes that they thought they’d be in forever. But, all … Read More

Miraculous Transformations are Possible

2020 April By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) So, there you are, stuck in traffic… There’s no way to move forward or backward. You have tons of things to accomplish during this particular day and even more on your mind. But, there’s nothing you can do. You just have to stay put until the car in front of you … Read More

It Could Happen to Any One of Us…

2020 March By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) It could happen to any one of us… We think we have it all under control. The “it” being our income, our activities, our bills, our health, our families everything that touches our lives. We get up each morning with a purpose. It’s the same agenda for most days of the … Read More

Struggling through another day…

2020 February By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) It’s spring time and all around us there is proof that the season is changing from the dull, drab winter plant hibernation to the colorful new spring growth. We see plants beginning to grow new leaves and we watch flower buds appear on their stems, promising a beautiful fresh outcome. The … Read More

Joy Junction mentioned in the Durango Herald

January 24, 2020 Joy Junction was mentioned as a positive example in the Durango Herald in the Letters to the Editor section on January 23rd, 2020. You can read the full article at the Durango Herald website: Check out this homeless setup in Albuquerque

Will you be a part of changing lives?

2020 January By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) New beginnings… New opportunities… New plans… New chances… Aren’t those the thoughts, as well as others, that come to mind each time a new year begins? Often, New Year’s resolutions are brought up in conversation with family and friends with words like: “I’m going to lose weight this year!” or “I’m … Read More

Joy Junction Year-End Giving – Featured on New Mexico Living

December 26th, 2019 Host Chad Brummett had Joy Junction CEO Elma Reynalds on a recent episode of New Mexico Living to discuss how Joy Junction helps the homeless in Albuquerque and how your year-end giving is an important part of helping Joy Junction to help those most in need right here in our community. Click on the image below to … Read More

A Christmas Gift that Keeps on Giving!

2019 December By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) For most of us, Christmas is a time of holiday cheer, good wishes, and gift-giving. We prepare dishes of food at home and then gather in some family or friend’s home to celebrate together. Sometimes, we may even host the event in our own home. It’s a time when special treats … Read More

MVD Now Supports Joy Junction This Holiday Season

Albuquerque & Bernalillo, NM – MVD Now, a privately owned motor vehicle department in Albuquerque & Bernalillo has decided to host a canned food drive at their eight locations to support Joy Junction and their incredible mission to impact the local community. MVD Now chose Joy Junction as a non-profit to support because they have been actively helping the less … Read More

Will you join our life-saving mission to help those in need?

2019 November By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) When a person is in their youth, they most likely do not sit around planning to spend the rest of their lives as a homeless person. Many “fall into” the situation of being without a home by unforeseen circumstances. Some are single moms who wound up not having the support of … Read More

Unity is a Powerful Thing!

2019 October By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines unity as:    A: the quality or state of not being multiple: ONENESS    B: a condition of harmony: ACCORD    C: the quality or state of being made one: UNIFICATION All three of the definitions cause a person to imagine many people choosing to join together for the same … Read More

Hope Offered for Thanksgiving Season

2019 September By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) It’s that time of year again; school has started, we are back to our regular routines, and we begin to think about and plan for upcoming events. Autumn brings the thought of switching from the summer heat to much cooler temperatures. Days are filled with transitioning from outdoor water activities or … Read More

The Face of Homelessness is Changing…

2019 August By a Joy Junction Staff Member (JBF) Homelessness used to be thought of as an excuse for those who just didn’t want to work. In days of old, we might see men with their change of clothes wrapped up in a bag, and hung on the end of a stick – which was propped up on their shoulder … Read More