Joy Junction: 48 Hours

By Jeremy Reynalds,Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Serving on the front lines of Joy Junction, they are often appreciated, but sometimes cussed at and threatened. However, they keep on working because they care for the homeless and hungry, and love Jesus. They are our resident services supervisors at Joy Junction. Here’s a look at a recent 48 hours … Read More

Religion and Services for the Homeless. An Immoral Combination?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. A while ago, I was flabbergasted to hear about the head of a homeless agency who reportedly thought it is “immoral” to mix religion with delivery of services to the homeless. There are others who also believe the same way. Maybe he or his clients have had bad experiences with … Read More

From Coke, Meth and Alcohol Addiction to Joy Junction Chaplain

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Joy Junction Chaplain Marcos Atwood is a firm believer in the power and importance of prayer. On a recent Monday morning he started the day by praying with guests and staff – a tradition his predecessor and mentor former Chaplain Gene Shiplet initiated. Then he helped a married couple whose … Read More

The Homeless Have Mixed Emotions About the Holidays

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. While for many of us the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays will be a great time of celebration with family and friends, that is often not the case for the homeless. We asked a few of our Joy Junction guests how they feel about the holidays. One woman said the … Read More

Bashing the Poor, Hungry and Homeless

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Insults and demeaning statements can be a major part of what it means to be homeless, hungry and obviously needy. A recent article in the British Daily Mail  said that “welfare addicts” are costing Australians billions of dollars. According to one study, the annual price tag for welfare here in … Read More

New Mexico’s Largest Homeless Shelter Avoids Typical Barriers to Access

News Release from Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Joy Junction, New Mexico’s largest emergency homeless shelter, is celebrating 30-plus years of implementing accessible methods of support for  homeless individuals and families by providing food, shelter, pastoral counseling and even longer-term transitional housing. In 1986, Dr. Jeremy Reynalds, founder of Joy Junction, set out … Read More

The Media, The Homeless and a Basket of Deplorables

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. By the way some people react to the homeless, you’d think they believe they’re equivalent to a basket of deplorables, as well as being similar in nature to a religious group once dismissively described as largely poor, uneducated and easy to command. While there are many wonderful, caring and giving … Read More

“Let’s Do Lunch. You Buy!”

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. The sign is very clear. Held by a plaintive looking middle-aged man it reads, “Let’s do lunch. U-buy.” Would you? I would for sure. I’m never without $5.00 fast food gift cards in my car, which I offer to those who ask. They’re always gratefully received. I also offer my Joy … Read More

Grateful Hearts Even in a Difficult Time

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. It’s never easy being homeless. It’s probably one of the most stressful times in your life, and while we try to do the best we can for those staying with us at Joy Junction, we wanted to see what they thought. With that in mind, we asked a few of … Read More

Things I Hated To Do.

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. While the harsh realities of life give us a lot to pray for, sometimes it can all get a bit overwhelming and we need some good news. There are many wonderful things happening around us that don’t draw media attention, and they include some of the lives being transformed at … Read More

We Like Our Gospel Country

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. I’m sure it’s no surprise to you that many of our guests – perhaps most – come in emotionally bruised and battered to Joy Junction. A few also show evident physical scars from being homeless and living on the streets, but emotional hurt and devastation is much more common. While … Read More

Could a Solution to Albuquerque’s Ongoing Smelly Problem Lie with Miami Initiative?

by Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. The City of Miami is rolling out a permanent solution that will help the homeless in Downtown Miami by providing them with portable public bathrooms. Less than nine months ago, The Pit Stop Pilot Program, a temporary program that provides portable bathrooms for the city’s homeless population, was put into … Read More

Being Homeless Can Be Deadly!

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. The National Coalition for the Homeless  (NCH) recently released its report “No Safe Street: A Survey of Hate Crimes and Violence Committed Against Homeless People in 2014 & 2015″  It’s alarming, to say the least! The report says that last year there were 77 documented cases of attacks resulting in 27 deaths. … Read More

A Peek Behind the Scenes at Joy Junction-Celebrating Its 30th Anniversary

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. How many times do we think of our trash collector, or perhaps the janitor at the office who works late evenings disposing of the trash we’ve generated in the day? As a rule, I’m guessing probably not too often. However, that would all change if they went on strike, right? … Read More

Love and The Answers to Every Social Issue

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. The answer to every social issue is love and a healthy dose of respect for the other man or woman’s opinion. Sadly, it’s something we don’t see a whole lot these days, with people’s opinions of whatever political or theological persuasion on verbal overdrive  and the taking refuge in media … Read More

Joy Junction Managers Pay It Forward

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. You’ve almost certainly heard of the phrase to pay it forward. It’s typically taking a person’s kindness to you and “paying it forward” to someone else. Thinking it would be good for our Joy Junction managers to try something “outside the box,” we gave them a $5.00 bill, and told … Read More

Whether summer or winter, hot or cold, there’s no good time to be homeless.

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Always contending with the dangers of the streets, sometimes debilitating heat and possible dehydration in the summer months accompanied with cold and rain in the winter, homelessness in whatever season is not a walk in the park. Then along with the weather, there’s the almost inevitable depression that accompanies homelessness. … Read More

How Do You Feel when You see the Homeless With a Cell Phone?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. We all have them, and most of us are at one stage or another of addiction to them. We see people walking along the street reading or tapping out messages to their digital world, and (sadly) still see people digitally engaged while driving. I did see a curious sight the … Read More

Appreciating Mom Every Day of the Year

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. With Mother’s Day on our minds, our thoughts obviously focus on “mom.” For this year’s celebration, let’s make sure that we do more than just buy mom a rose or two, take her out to dinner and go back to the (perhaps selfish) way we behave the rest of the … Read More

What’s Your Target? With All The Noise about Boycotting, Are We Missing the Real “Target,” Poverty in New Mexico?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. By now, you’ve most probably heard of the American Family Association’s boycott against retail giant Target. The conservative Christian advocacy organization is promoting a boycott of the store, saying it has “crossed the line by intentionally exposing women and girls to voyeurs and sexual predators with their restroom and dressing … Read More

A Day In the Life of the Joy Junction Chief of Security.

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. It’s a word more relevant than ever in our increasingly violent culture-security. Conrad Chavira is an invaluable part of our staff at Joy Junction. He is our chief of security. He recently told me about a typical day. His shift is from 3 p.m. till 11 p.m., the busiest time … Read More

Not At All Routine-A Day in the Life of the Joy Junction Case Manager

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. The term “case manager” is heard a lot, but I wonder how many people know what exactly a case manager does. I asked Carl Valles, our case manager at Joy Junction, to tell me a typical recent day-if there is such a thing. He said he begins by reading all … Read More