Tax Time an Uncertain Time for the Homeless

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. With tax season and filing time being upon us, I wondered how our Joy Junction guests felt about taxes. After all, while you can never escape from the long arm of the Internal Revenue Service, so to speak, when you’re looking for a place to stay and a meal, taxes … Read More

Two Hearts-One Vision

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc.   People “liking” Joy Junction on social media usually do so because they have a concern for the homeless and hungry, and an appreciation for the help that community support allows us to give. However, all of our staff at Joy Junction have a very personal story, which greatly impacts … Read More

Harm Reduction: Reducing Harm or Enabling Addicts?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. It’s easy (for some) to condemn “harm reduction.” So you don’t know what that is? It’s the giving of clean needles to drug addicts, and condoms to sex workers and others. Like many evangelicals, I used to criticize harm reduction workers as promoting irresponsible sex and illegal drug use. The … Read More

Actress from Down Under Thinks New Mexico Has a “Gummy” Problem

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Australian actress Margot Robbie needs to think before she speaks. Along with Tina Fey, Robbie was on a recent edition of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert promoting the movie Whiskey Tango Foxtrot,  slated to be released next month. The movie is set in Afghanistan and filmed last year in … Read More

Loving Concern or “Spiritual Molestation?”

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Joshua Stout, manager of a Chick-fil-A in Murfreesboro, Tennessee was willing to buy a homeless man, Justin Burkeen, a full meal. There was just one requirement-that Burkeen allow Stout to pray with him. The interaction was observed by area resident Joey Mustain taking his daughter out for supper, and chronicled … Read More

The Chicken, the Egg and “Comorbidity”

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Which comes first? Does mental illness lead to homelessness, or do the stresses and struggles which accompany homelessness possibly trigger mental illness? Then right alongside that question. Does alcoholism result in homelessness, or the misery of everyday living experienced by many homeless people lead to alcoholism? Writing on our Facebook … Read More

Praised for “Recalibrating” its Approach to Homelessness, Alb. Mulls Criminalizing Panhandling and Starting Additional Emergency Family Shelter

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. A proposal heading to the City Council aims to ban what it considers dangerous behavior by panhandlers across Albuquerque. Sponsored by City Councilor Don Harris and delayed twice, the bill  is scheduled to be heard at the Finance and Government Operations Committee on March 14.  If successful it would criminalize … Read More

Homeless Make Poignant New Year’s Resolutions

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. With Thanksgiving and Christmas behind us, are you beginning to think about the seemingly inevitable subject of new year’s resolutions? You know, stuff like resolving to be a better person, changing jobs, quitting smoking, eating less and exercising more, or some other personal goal you hope to achieve in the … Read More

Joy Junction Open and Ready to Help During Winter Storm; Mobile Feeding Unit on Normal Schedule and Providing Food and Hot Beverages  

News Release from Jeremy Reynalds at Joy Junction Email As Albuquerque works its way through a massive snow storm, Joy Junction, New Mexico’s largest emergency homeless shelter, is open and ready to help. Joy Junction Founder and CEO Dr. Jeremy Reynalds said, “While this weather poses a threat to everyone, it is perhaps especially dangerous to the homeless and … Read More

New York Tabloid’s Trashing of the Homeless Has Potentially Dangerous Consequences

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. The New York Post, never considered a shining example of responsible journalism, is at it again. Perhaps most famous for its 1983 headline, “Headless Body in Topless Bar”  Post writers have been verbally savaging the homeless. A recent story by Danielle Furfaro headlined “Homeless reign over LaGuardia to come to an … Read More

Albuquerque Homelessness Rate Drops-Or Not? Depends On Whom You Ask

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Local media are saying that almost a year after the city of Albuquerque did its 2015 homelessness study, the results show a downward shift in the homeless rate. But not so fast! All this positivity is based on something called the Point in Time (PIT) Count. Overseen by the Dept. … Read More

Homeless Worry about Cost of Getting Passport to Access Federal Buildings

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. New Mexicans are lining up in droves to get passports  before their state driver’s licenses don’t get them on planes anymore or they’re denied admission to federal buildings. The tougher requirements mean that by Jan. 10 2016, anyone seeking access to almost all federal facilities in the state will not … Read More

Is Stephen Colbert a Messenger from God?

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. God uses those we don’t like or agree with. Those words were part of Calvary of Albuquerque Pastor Skip Heitzig’s message one Sunday. They reminded me of this meme which I posted on Facebook recently. The words that spoke to me were those that reminded us of our obligation to … Read More

Joy Junction’s 30th Thanksgiving. Shelter Guests Give Thanks

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. It’s almost “Thanksgiving” again at Joy Junction, New Mexico’s largest emergency homeless shelter. It’s hard for me to believe that Thanksgiving Day will mark the 30th successive year we have shared the blessing of Thanksgiving with Albuquerque’s many homeless and abused women and homeless families. I’m so thankful to the … Read More

This is Our Life

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Working at Joy Junction is a way of life more than a job. It takes a calling and a commitment. While there’s no such thing as a “typical” day, here are some highlights from a few recent ones. First order of business for last Thursday upon waking up (like every … Read More

#MyGivingStory. Share Your Story of What Inspires You to Give to Joy Junction

Joy Junction is excited to announce that we’re taking part in the #MyGivingStory contest! This is a great opportunity, and we’re hoping you will help us win! #MyGivingStory is a nationwide social media storytelling contest that aims to foster a public discussion about the reason you give. Specifically, the program invites you to share your story about what inspires you … Read More

Taking Back Albuquerque is in Your Hands

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. After two shootings by repeat offenders that have shaken our city to its collective core, police union officials say it’s time to “take back our city” and show support for Albuquerque police officers by flying blue and white ribbons. “Put them on your homes. Put them on light poles. Put … Read More

Jeremy Reynalds. The Man, The Message and The Wife.

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. Six months in and loving every minute People “liking” Joy Junction on social media usually do so because they have a concern for the homeless and hungry, and an appreciation for the help that community support allows us to give. However, all of our staff at Joy Junction have a … Read More

Another Divine Appointment

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. It had been a good day, but a long one. Very similar in some ways to one I wrote about before in early July 2015. Just like most days, while good, I nonetheless really wanted to get home, and enjoy the peace and tranquility of home along with my wife … Read More

Poverty, Homelessness Scarcely Register on Presidential Candidates Agenda: Homeless Don’t Have Much Hope for Change

By Jeremy Reynalds Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. While the 2016 presidential race for the White House has generated much more media attention than usual, all that air time hasn’t been focused on homelessness and hunger. With the possible exception of Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders,  the issue isn’t getting much attention at all. In fact, an article by … Read More

Hunger On and Off the Reservation

By Jeremy Reynalds, Ph.D. Founder and CEO Joy Junction Inc. There’s enough of a hunger problem in New Mexico that the noise you hear sometimes may not be your neighbor trying to start his car. It could be his growling stomach. According to the New Mexico Association of Food Banks, nearly 70,000 New Mexicans seek food assistance weekly. That’s the equivalent … Read More