Are You In Danger of Experiencing Homelessness?

466443021Anything, from the loss of a job to a divorce, could send someone who has never been without a home into a spiral that ends in homelessness, whether temporary or chronic. The thought of experiencing homelessness can be crippling for some. The good news is that there are programs to help you, like those at Joy Junction, get back on your feet. If you are in danger of experiencing homelessness, check out these programs:

Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless

This organization provides free or low-cost healthcare services to those who are or who are in danger of experiencing homelessness.

New Mexico Human Services Department

This organization offers food, health, income and child support services for those who are living in poverty, or are at-risk for experiencing homelessness.

U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Program

This program offers training and resources to reduce the high cost of energy bills for those who are living in poverty by weatherizing an apartment or home.

Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program

This program offers people who are living in poverty and experiencing food insecurity the opportunity to receive supplemental food.
HUD Housing Counseling Agencies. These programs offer low or no-cost counseling services to people who are at-risk for losing their home.

Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico

This organization offers rent and mortgage supplementation for those currently or at-risk for experiencing homelessness in New Mexico.

The caring, compassionate staff at Joy Junction is also available to help you identify additional resources to help you in your time of need. Please contact us immediately with your questions or concerns if you need assistance. We are always available to give you a hand up.

